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  • Biomass in the World and in the European Union
  • Development of bioenergy market in Ukraine
  • Biofuel consumption in Ukraine
  • Incentives and obstacles in the biomass energy production projects implementation
  • Green tariff rates for biomass
  • Renevable energy sources in Ukraine
  • Structure of solid fuel consumption in Ukraine in 2018
  • Number of pellet manufacturers in Ukraine
  • Solid biofuel prices
  • Legal regulation of biofuel market in Ukraine
  • Brief project description
  • TPP location
  • Favorable economic and geographical location
  • Construction plan
  • Thermal power plant description
  • Raw material characteristics
  • Supply of biofuels
  • Personnel
  • Boiler equipment
  • The advantages of the proposed boiler with a fluidized layer furnace:
  • Fluidized layer boiler – technology description
  • TPP structure
  • Organization of works execution
  • Technical indicators
  • SWOT аnаlysis


  • Investment
  • Input data
  • Profit and loss
  • Investors cash flow
  • Payroll
  • Main project coefficients


The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) identifies the overall renewable energy (RES) targets for the period up to 2020, namely 11% of total final energy consumption.  Biomass is an important part of this indicator and, according to the NEEAP, should play a leading role in the heating/cooling sector: x,xxx kt of oil equivalent/year in 2020, equal to xx% of all renewable energy sources contribution.

The development of bioenergy is very relevant for Ukraine with its significant potential of local fuels available for energy generation. The main components of biomass potential are straw (x.x million tons of fuel equivalent per year) and other agricultural waste (stems, seedlings, husk etc. – x.x million tons of fuel equivalent per year), as well as wood residues. Ukraine produces xxx-xxx million tons of biomass raw materials (straw of grain crops and other agricultural waste, crop and livestock wastes) per year.

If in 2010 bioenergy replaced less than x million tons of oil equivalent, then in 2016 – already x.x million tons, an increase comprised about xx% per year. By 2035 an increase of up to xx million tons is planned. According to state plans, Ukraine should reach xx% share of renewable heat, with an interim target of xx% by 2020. The stocks of natural raw materials are x times greater than necessary for the implementation of the planned strategy – 21 million tons of oil equivalent. More than xx% of the raw materials will be of agrarian origin, and about xx% – of wood.


The amount of necessary investment is:  xx xxx xxx EUR

The Pаybаck Period comprises: xx yeаrs.

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