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Our project: Lebebe Boutique

We are a young Ukrainian project which decided to bring a piece of a French luxury, quality and experience to Ukrainian families, help to alleviate parental weekdays and please the kids.

The purpose of a business plan: official representation of RedCastle and Beaba French brands in Ukraine or signing of a long-term international contract for the supply of goods of the above brands.

Only we sell your products in Ukraine.

We have introduced your production to Ukrainian consumers and now it is quite popular and in demand.

Demand is growing rapidly and we are ready to further development. With a certain status in Ukraine, we could do it even more efficiently:

1) invest more in advertising products;

2) collaborate with maternity hospitals and medical institutions;

3) trade with major Ukrainian children’s shops.

4) organize exhibitions, seminars and fairs.

Our history:

A year ago we made a request for cooperation to  the managers in France, but they gave us a contact of  the official representative in Russia. You recommended us to contact your Russian partner  «Abondance» company which has the exclusive sales right on the territory of Ukraine. Our cooperation with the Abondance was quite advantageous, since the signing of the contract (March 2016) and till the moment we have purchased and successfully implemented RedCastle and Beaba production on the territory of Ukraine amounting to more than 33 ths. euro.

An account on the Instagram social network @lebebe_boutique _ was the main shopping area (more than 12 ths. subscribers)



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