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  • Main economic data of the UAE
  • Level of salaries in the UAE
  • Freelance market in the UAE
  • Freelance market in the world
  • Overview of online services with job offerings in Dubai
  • Review of resources for freelancers in the world
  • Brief overview of the UAE advertising market
  • Mobile app engagement rates, worldwide
  • Mobile app cost per install (CPI), by platform, UАE (USD)


The freelance economy is booming. In fact, it is the fastest growing sector of the global workforce, as workers from all over the world continue to say goodbye to their day jobs and embrace self-employed life.

Dubai’s largest freelance marketplace Nabbesh saw its membership double to 73,000 between 2013 and 2014, rising to over 90,000 by 2016.

In fact, there was a xx percent increase in the number of freelancers being hired by UAE companies in 2016, according to local company, Nabbesh, an online marketplace hosting more than xxx,xxx freelancers across the region. Despite the worldwide push towards corporate downsizing, the freelance economy is surging ahead, as companies begin to adapt their businesses to flexible labour. Over the past few years, increased access to freelance permits has made it easier to work for yourself in the UAE.

In the UAE, numbers are harder to come by, but companies in the business licensing and set-up sector estimate there are over xxx,xxx licensed freelancers. Add the growing horde of ‘freelancer incognitos’ who have jobs but also have their ‘side hustles’, and the real number of full and part-time freelancers is probably closer to xxx,xxx.


Number of graphs and diagrams — 6

Number of tables -12

Number of drawings -1

Number of pages — 32

Preparation date of the market review – March 2018

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