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The freelance economy is booming. In fact, it is the fastest growing sector of the global workforce, as workers from all over the world continue to say goodbye to their day jobs and embrace self-employed life.

In fact, there was a 40 percent increase in the number of freelancers being hired by UAE companies in 2016, according to local company, Nabbesh, an online marketplace hosting more than xxx,xxx freelancers across the region. Despite the worldwide push towards corporate downsizing, the freelance economy is surging ahead, as companies begin to adapt their businesses to flexible labour. Over the past few years, increased access to freelance permits has made it easier to work for yourself in the UAE.

In the UAE, numbers are harder to come by, but companies in the business licensing and set-up sector estimate there are over xxx,xxx licensed freelancers. Add the growing horde of ‘freelancer incognitos’ who have jobs but also have their ‘side hustles’, and the real number of full and part-time freelancers is probably closer to xxx,xxx.

Freelancers in the UAE are consistently earning over xx xxx -xx xxx AED (x xxx – x xxx USD) per month.

Dubai’s competitive advantages help to attract highly skilled workers and investments, and are complemented by the labor policy, which ensures the inflow of low-skilled labor playing the role of fuel for the engine of economic growth.

The purpose of the project: creation of a convenient online marketplace in the UAE, which will allow to create and execute not only virtual, but also any real tasks.

For example, “Cleanup in the apartment”, “Develop a mobile app”, “Buy products in the store”, “Walk with animals”, “Help with housework” and much more. It is enough for the Customer to place his task on the service. In a few minutes, offers will start coming from the Executor who are ready to solve the problem. The online resource will help to find reliable executors in the UAE for execution of various household and business services (courier services, household repair, cleaning, website development, freight, etc.).

The main reason for the creation is the lack of such an online resource format, as we propose, in the UAE market. In fact, the absence of direct competitors in this market.

The project is already functioning in Ukraine (doit.ua), it only needs to be translated and finalized for the UAE market. There will be developed a resource on web and a mobile application on two platforms (iOS and Android) in the UAE  .

Distance does not matter when it comes to categories such as: virtual assistant, design, web development. To place tasks and perform them in these categories became possible thanks to the service “Safe”. Therefore, Executors get work, and Customers – valuable specialists from around the region. Only Executors who have passed a special inspection by the administration of the service can perform tasks on the service. The resource is safe for both Customers and Executors.


The amount of necessary investment is: xxx xxx USD.

The Pаybаck Period comprises: x yeаrs and x months.

Net profit: 1st yeаr –  -xxx xxx, 2nd yeаr – xxx xxx, 3rd yeаr – x xxx xxx, 4th yeаr – x xxx xxx, 5th yeаr – x xxx xxx USD.

The proposed business share to investor is: xx%. Below are the main indicators of the project for the investor, taking into account his share in the business.

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