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Hong Kong is one of the world’s most significant financial centers, with the highest Financial Development Index score and consistently ranks as the world’s most competitive and freest economic entity. As the world’s 8th largest trading entity, its legal tender, the Hong Kong dollar, is the world’s 13th most traded currency. As the world’s most visited city, Hong Kong’s tertiary sector dominated economy is characterized by simple taxation with competitively corporate tax and supported by its independent judiciary system. 

Hong Kong is an important banking and financial centre in the Asia Pacific. As at end-2016, there were 195 authorized institutions and 54 representative offices in Hong Kong. Total loans provided by the authorized institutions to finance international trade and other loans for use outside Hong Kong аmounted to US$xx.x billion and US$xxx.x billion respectively. According to the Bank for International Settlements, Hong Kong is the second largest foreign exchange market in Asia and the fourth largest in the world in 2016, with the net daily average turnover of forex transactions reaching US$xxx billion.

In the 2017 Global Financial Centers Index, Hong Kong was ranked as having the fourth most competitive financial center in the world (alongside cities such as London, New York City, Tokyo, San Francisco, Chicago, Sydney, Boston, and Toronto in the top 10), and second most competitive in Asia after Singapore.

Project purpose: estаblishment of а currency exchаnge compаny


– to buy foreign currency from individuals (non-residents and residents);

– to sell foreign currency to individuals (usually residents);

– to conduct a reverse exchange of currency from national to foreign (for individuals – non-residents, taking into account established rules and norms;

– to conduct converted transactions with foreign currency;

– to exchange denominations of a monetary unit of one country.



PAYBACK PERIOD: x year and x months

NET PROFIT: 1st year – xxx xxx, 2nd year – xxx xxx, 3rd year – xxx xxx, 4th year – xxx xxx, 5th year – xxx xxx HKD.


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