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Total Transaction Value in the Digital Payments segment amounts to US х,ххх,ххх m in 2019. This number keeps growing every year due to the fact that users refuse to pay for goods and services in cash preferring electronic payment systems.

Total Transaction Value is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2019-2022) of хх.х% resulting in the total amount of US$х,ххх,хххm by 2022.

The market’s largest segment is Digital Commerce with a total transaction value of US$х,ххх,ххх4m in 2019.

From a global comparison perspective it is shown that the highest cumulated transaction value is reached in China (US$х,ххх,хххm in 2019).


The amount of necessary investment is: ххх ххх 

The Pаybаck Period comprises: х yeаr аnd х months.

Net profit: 1st yeаr –   ххх ххх, 2nd yeаr – ххх ххх , 3rd yeаr –ххх ххх, 4th yeаr — ххх ххх, 5th yeаr – х ххх  ххх EUR.

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