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  • Popularity of football in Ukraine and the world
  • Amateur football in Kyiv
  • Kyiv football fields location map
  • Kyiv football fields overview
  • Mini Football Federation in Kyiv
  • Mini Football Federation teams in Kyiv
  • Street football Challenge Kyiv


  • Brief project description
  • Preliminary assessment of the mini football field construction
  • Project SWOT-analysis


  • Investment
  • Payback Period
  • Profit and Loss
  • Cash Flow
  • Profit and Loss (1-5 years)
  • Cash Flow (1-5 years)
  • Project Main Coefficients


Football is the sport game number one according to its popularity and prevalence in the world, there are 208 national football federations being FIFA members, and it’s more than the number of countries belonging to the United Nations. The game is the most popular in Europe, South America, Africa and partly Asia, less interest in football is manifested in Australia and North America. In many countries, this game is a part of the national culture and the object of national pride, which largely determines the level of interest that is manifested in football, and the processes that surround it all over the world.

It is difficult to imagine economic relations without the development of small and large businesses. It surrounds us everywhere. Shops, cafes, restaurants, movie theaters – all them are mostly owned by individual entrepreneurs. Sphere of services occupies a special place in the business. Today, sport is greatly developing, and therefore it is needed to create a perspective direction in the business, which would provide sporting activity services. Football is very popular in Ukraine, as in many West European countries. United Kingdom is considered a homeland for the football, but since ancient times, our ancestors were engaged in a similar sport.

As of today, most young people are interested in football, especially the male part of the population. Therefore, the creation of its own football field is quite a promising direction for the development of a profitable business. Football field can be used for hourly rentals for different games or other sporting events. Athletes and students can also train there. It is perfect for sporting events for both young people and adults.

There were identified the most popular sports according to the internet queries in Ukraine as of July 2016. As expected, football is the most popular among different sport activities – there are from 1 to 2 million requests per month for it, depending on the season. Boxing is on a second place. Also, in the top ten popular sport activities there were motor racing, basketball, biathlon, karate, athletics, tennis, hockey and chess. The interest in these sport activities is much lower than in football and boxing – the number of requests varies from a few tens to a few hundred thousand per month. Population is actively interested in many sport activities in the Kyiv region. In other regions of the country there is little interest in other sport activities because they often look for football.


Total amount of investment:  х ххх ххх UAH.

Payback period comprises: х years and х months.

EBITDA margin: 1st year – хх %, 2nd year  – хх%, 3rd year – хх%, 4th year – хх%; 5th year – хх%.

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