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Export of agricultural products from Ukraine amounted to about 18 billion dollars in 2017, which is хх.х% more than in 2016. Such volumes of domestic agricultural products foreign supplies Ukraine has reached for the second time during its independence, repeating the 2012 export record of $xx.x billion. Ukraine occupies a very important place in the global export of agricultural products and exports about a half of the grain products it produces. According to the NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics”,  Ukraine supplied xx.x million tons of grain to the world markets in 2017, almost 50% of which – xx.x million tons of corn. Farmers exported xx.x million tons of corn in 2016.

The geographical structure of Ukrainian exports has remained unchanged for several years in a row. About xx% of the supplies cost in 2017 accounted for four main regions – the countries of the European Union, Asia, Africa and the CIS. The increase in the value of domestic agri-food products exports in all regions was a characteristic feature of 2017. The export of Ukrainian agri-food products to EU countries increased most of all – by 1.6 billion dollars. Its volumes reached a record high of x.x billion dollars in terms of value. At the same time, the share of EU member countries in domestic exports increased from xx.x% in 2016 to xx.x% last year.

Number of graphs and diagrams -7

Number of tables -5

Number of drawings -2

Number of pages -16

Preparation date of the market review – January 2019

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