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 The real estate market (which directly affects the house renovation and interior design market) in Florida shows recovery after a sharp fall during the financial crisis (2007-2008) and has been showing steady growth for several years:

The solid IDBI scores indicate growing demand for interior design services and bode well for overall residential and nonresidential spending for design services.

It is possible to structure the basic service (Turnkey Renovation, including materials and work) by such price segments:

Budget — up to xxx $/ft²

Medium — xxx-xxx $/ft²

Luxury — from xxx $/ft²

The renovation and finishing works of the premises are complex processes and difficult to be scaled. To date, this industry has one of the lowest indicators of production automation. Almost all the hard and laborious processes are performed by a person. The main reason for the poor development of finishing works automation is the lack of a pattern of production. It is impossible to install a robot in the workshop and stamp the finish of the apartment. The robot must be on the construction site and this complicates and increases its development costs.

However, the market for «robots» is developing very quickly. Every year there are more and more companies that provide services for the automation of production in all areas of the economy. The most popular robots are manipulators. Practically in each branch of modern production and the market of services it is possible to see a robot manipulator. Not only a big business can afford using of a robot in production today. They are already available for medium and small businesses.

Project purpose: establishment of a DSB-USA Company providing services of interior design and finishing of the premises

The DSB-USA Company is a subsidiary of the Ukrainian «Palsik» Company which successfully operates on the real estate market of Ukraine since 2003. The main direction of the company’s activity is the creation of an individual design project according to direct desires and needs of the client and the using state-of-the-art finishing materials and advanced production technologies.

Website: http://dsb-ua.com/ , https://palsik.prom.ua/

We have an English version of the website but it is being finalized.

7 employees are working on a full-time basis in Ukraine. 16 contracts for renovation were concluded in 2017 in Ukraine.

Price segment for the house renovation in the US: Luxury — from xxx $/ft².

In order to enter the market successfully we will work in the price segment from xxx $/ft².

The company will hire up to 8 people in the US till the end of the year. All workers of construction specialties will be contracted for specific volumes of work and specific specialties.


The amount of investment is: $xx,xxx. 

The Pаybаck Period comprises: x yeаr аnd x months.

Net profit:

1st yeаr – $xx,xxx, 2nd yeаr – $xx,xxx, 3rd yeаr – $xxx,xxx, 4th yeаr — $xxx,xxx, 5th yeаr – $xxx,xxx.

Purpose  of the business plan: obtaining a business visa in the US

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