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The injectables sub-segment is expected to show high growth and market value by the end of 2025. Thus, in 2017 the injectables sub-segment reached a market valuation of about US$ 15,09 Bn in the world. This sub-segment is poised to register a CAGR of 10.2% throughout the period of forecast due to its wide acceptance and application and is is estimated to reach a market valuation of about US$ 24,53 Bn in 2022.

Dermal fillers are gaining popularity all across the globe due to increasing trend of using anti-ageing treatments, and demand to look younger. Growing demand for facial aesthetics globally and increasing acceptance of tissue fillers are driving the growth for the market.

Due to rapid adoption of new products and advanced therapies, Europe is the second largest market for Dermal Fillers.

Hyaluronic acid market in Belgium and Luxembourg is growing at a very good pace during last few years and is projected to grow during next 5 years. Thus, in 2017 there were conducted 41 012 hyaluronic injectable procedures and market reached a market valuation of about 79,42 mln. USD. Hyaluronic acid market in Belgium and Luxembourg is estimated to reach 129,14 mln. USD in 2022.

Project purpose: Sale of Apriline fillers and mesotherapy products in Belgium and Luxembourg

The main effort will be made on direct marketing (training of consultants, «lessons» at points of sale) and on sales promotion (providing of  promotional discounts — directly stimulating sales through direct marketing), because the company will be able to establish closer contact and feedback with sellers of services, find out about the reaction of their clients to certain care products (which will allow to correctly and timely change and improve certain drugs, withdraw or remove some products from the market, etc.), which, of course, will positively affect sales volumes, personal contact, more professional training of sales consultants, the opportunity to go through all the stages of communication models by Rossiter-Percy and Michael Ray together with a consultant during the «lesson» will help to accomplish marketing tasks.

Our strategy of promotion on the market — exhibitions and Training and Methodological center.

Within the framework of the advertising campaign, advertising spaces will be used at specialized cosmetic exhibitions and conferences.


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