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  • The number of websites in the world
  • Internet users in the world
  • IT market forecast by sector
  • Comprehensive cost of national internet development
  • National share of companies which create websites on their own
  • TOP-10 Global web hosting market share
  • TOP hosting countries
  • TOP hosting companies in Germany
  • Share of companies with their own sites in Germany
  • TOP-10 web design companies in Germany
  • TOP-15 websites in Germany
  • Demand for freelancers in Germany


There are over 1 billion websites on the world wide web today. This milestone was first reached in September of 2014, as confirmed by NetCraft in its October 2014 Web Server Survey and first estimated and announced by Internet Live Stats. The number had subsequently declined, reverting back to a level below 1 billion (due to the monthly fluctuations in the count of inactive websites) before reaching again and stabilizing above the 1 billion mark starting in March of 2016. From 1 website in 1991 to 1 billion in 2014, the chart and table below show the total number of websites by year throughout history:


By “Website” we mean unique hostname (a name which can be resolved, using a name server, into an IP Address). It must be noted that around 75% of websites today are not active, but parked domains or similar.

Number of graphs and diagrams – 9

Number of tables – 2

Number of drawings –

Number of pages – 15

Preparation date of the market review – August 2016

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