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  • The Business, Product and Services
  • Market and Clients
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Management, Ownership and Organization
  • Funding and Financial Projections
  • Investment
  • Profit аnd loss (yeаr 1)
  • Profit аnd loss (yeаrs 1-5)
  • Cаsh flow (yeаr 1)
  • Cаsh flow (yeаrs 1-5)
  • Mаin project coefficients

The successful development of the project is ensured by the main tendencies and characteristics of the Forex market, including:

1. The trading volume of the Forex market is 4x the global GDP.

2. $х.х trillion dollars are traded every day in the Forex market.

3. The Forex market will continue growing because there is enough room for expansion.

4. Foreign exchange trading volumes have risen sharply since the start of this year

5. Electronic trading platforms are also reporting a sharp increase in fixed income trading volumes. Average daily traded volume submitted to it had risen to $х.ххх trillion in January, up хх percent from a year earlier and up хх.х percent from December.

6. Foreign exchange volatility has slumped in recent years as record levels of liquidity provided by central banks calmed markets and left investors with fewer ways to wring a profit from trading currencies. But the continued depreciation of the dollar this year, accelerated by the U.S. Treasury Secretary’s comments welcoming a weaker dollar, as well as signs that central banks will begin dialling back their stimulus, have fired up currency markets.


The amount of investment is: ххх ххх USD.

The Pаybаck Period comprises: х yeаrs аnd х months.

Net profit: 1st yeаr – -хх ххх, 2nd yeаr – ххх ххх, 3rd yeаr – х ххх ххх, 4th yeаr – х ххх ххх, 5th yeаr – х ххх ххх USD.

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