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2017 was the year of Bitcoin. Given the benefits of its decentralized and open-source properties, there is no doubt that digital currencies and blockchain technology are here to stay. However, the risk level when dealing with cryptocurrencies is not for everybody.

Below is the cryptocurrency volatility index. We can see that even though the cryptocurrency volatility decreased in the past few months it is still higher than for any other liquid asset in the market. At the current volatility levels, it is hard to make informed judgment calls on the market. However, advances in technology could lend a helping hand to investors.

Over the last few years, Robo-Advisors have gained popularity in the investment management community as more fund managers and even individual investors continue to incorporate them into their investment strategies. One of the main drivers of the increased usage of Robo-Advisors in investment management is machine learning.

In 2018, the global AI market is expected to be worth approximately Х,ХХХ billion U.S. dollars and is projected to grow to $ХХ,ХХХ billion in 2025. The largest proportion of revenues come from the AI for enterprise applications market. Revenues from AI in fintech sector are also growing, but mainly big funds are investing n such technologies right now.MАIN PROJECT COEFFICIENTS

The amount of necessary investment is: ХХХ ХХХ USD.
The Payback Period comprises: Х years and Х months.
Net profit: 1st yeаr – -ХХ ХХХ, 2nd yeаr –  ХХ ХХХ, 3rd yeаr – ХХХ ХХХ, 4th yeаr — Х ХХХ ХХХ184, 5th yeаr – Х ХХХ ХХХ USD.


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