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According to the social survey results, more than half of the office workers in America (хх.х%) at least three times per week dine in their workplace, bringing their food in lunch boxes. A lunch box is used to store food to be taken anywhere. The concept of a food container has existed for a long time, but it was not until people began using tobacco tins to carry meals in the early 20th century, followed by the use of lithographed images on metal, that the containers became a staple of youth, and a marketable product.

The lunch in the cafe costs about $хх-хх, while the lunch we bring from home costs only $х-х. This means that the home cooked lunch allows us to save approximately хх% on food. More and more workers around the world are following the trend of good nutrition which grows every year, and thus many people start tracking the quality of food they eat and cook it at home using lunch boxes to bring the food to the workplace.

The global market for lunch boxes valued at $х.х billion in 2017 is anticipated to reach $х.хх billion by 2024. It’ll have growth of хх% through 2024 (2018 to 2024). Increasing attention to nutrition for all people is expected to drive the growth of the market in the coming years.

Number of graphs and diagrams -14

Number of tables -2

Number of pages -21

Preparation date of the market review –December 2018



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